Posts Tagged ‘thinking’


Music in the Garden

June 12, 2009

I was walking to catch a bus to work this morning and it hit me… There is music in the Garden. On my way out the door and heading down the street, I heard the sweet music of spring mornings, chirping from behind our house where there are trees, our modest garden and a small lawn. Only God could organize the shouts of a hundred love-crazed birds to make that spring morning music unique to each day. Often times it makes me ponder on what I may be missing working in my closed office, or sitting at my computer. Even with the delights of thoughtful Cyber-Communication, I know there is some real world things I am passing by.

If you ever saw the movie The Matrix you can have pondered too, just how real can Cyber-space get, even if it becomes like that movie, I think it will never be able to replace the truth of a Real-space (the Real World).

I sometimes catch myself thinking about how real is real? I mean could we be experiencing reality in a bubble of some kind, unable to experience the full reality of how things really are? Ok, that is too deep… My submarine can’t go down there much further.

Back to a wonderful morning experience. The birds have fallen silent now but on the marrow, there is Music in the Garden.

In the Love of Christ,

Sean A. Dunn